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Zeev Duieb 1 Article
Benign GI diease,Rare disease & stoma,Surgical technique
Endoscopic Removal of a Fecalith or Fecomucolith in a Rectal Stump or Pouch
Evie Yeap, Ratheesraj Ratinam, Asiri Arachchi, James Lim, Yeng Kwang Tay, Zeev Duieb
Ann Coloproctol. 2021;37(5):346-348.   Published online August 25, 2021
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Fecaliths or fecomucoliths can form in rectal stumps after a Hartmann procedure or in a coloneovaginal conduit. They can cause significant distress to the patient by causing symptoms such as discharge and odor. We describe a novel and effective method of endoscopic obliteration and removal where other techniques such as removal during examination under anesthesia or serial enemas have failed. By using a combination of hydrodissection with a saline injector gun and biopsy forceps and a polypectomy snare to break down the fecomucolith or fecalith, this troublesome problem can be resolved endoscopically. Successful removal of the fecalith/fecomucolith and resolution of the symptoms for the patients were achieved. No complications are reported. We describe an effective and novel method for endoscopic removal of fecaliths and fecomucoliths.

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