Manuscript Title: ____________________________________________________
Author(s): __________________________________________________________
Copyright transfer agreement
Annals of Coloproctology (ACP) and author(s) hereby agree the following:
In consideration of ACP reviewing and editing the work described for the first publication on an exclusive basis, the undersigned author(s) hereby assigns, conveys, and otherwise transfers all right, title, interest, and copyright ownership in said work to ACP and the Korean Society of Coloproctology effective upon acceptance of said work for publication. “Work” includes the material submitted in consideration of ACP reviewing and editing the work described above for the first publication on an exclusive basis, the undersigned author(s) hereby assigns, conveys, and otherwise transfers all rights, title, interest, and copyright ownership in said work to ACP effective upon acceptance of said work for publication. "Work" includes the material submitted for publication and any other related material submitted to ACP. The assignment of right to ACP includes but is not expressly limited to right to edit, publish, reproduce, distribute copies, prepare derivative works, include in indexes or search database in print, electronic, or other media, whether or not in use at the time of execution of this agreement and claim copyright in said work throughout the world for the full duration of the copyright and any renewals or extensions thereof. All accepted works become the property of the Korean Society of Coloproctology and may not be published elsewhere without prior written permission from ACP and the Korean Society of Coloproctology. Author(s) hereby represents and warrants that he or she is the sole author(s) of the work, that all authors have participated in and agree with the content and the conclusions of the work, and that the work is original and does not infringe upon any copyright, proprietary, or personal right of any third party, and that no part of it nor any work based on substantially similar data has been submitted to another journal for publication. In the event that ACP does not publish said work, author(s) will be so notified, and all rights assigned hereunder will revert to author(s). If a joint work, all co-authors must transfer rights in said work to ACP and the Korean Society of Coloproctology by executing this agreement. This agreement must be executed as is without revision or substitution of terms.
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Examples of conflict of interest include financial relationships, such as employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, and paid expert testimony, personal relationships, academic competition, intellectual passion, and others.
Author | No conflict of interest | Conflict of interest (specify) |
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Source of funding: __________________________________________________________________________
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Corresponding author (name/signature): _____________________ _____________________