Hemorrhoids are the most common anorectal complaint, and approximately 10 to 20 percent of patients with symptomatic hemorrhoids require surgery. Symptoms of hemorrhoids, such as painless rectal bleeding, tissue protrusion and mucous discharge, vary. The traditional therapeutic strategies of medicine include surgical, as well as non-surgical, treatment. To alleviate symptoms caused by hemorrhoids, oral treatments, such as fiber, suppositories and Sitz baths have been applied to patients. Other non-surgical treatments, such as infrared photocoagulation, injection sclerotherapy and rubber band ligation have been used to fixate the hemorrhoid's cushion. If non-surgical treatment has no effect, surgical treatments, such as a hemorrhoidectomy, procedure for prolapsed hemorrhoids, and transanal hemorrhoidal dearterialization are used.
Pruritus ani is an unpleasant cutaneous sensation that induces the desire to scratch the skin around the anal orifice. It may start insidiously and appears in 1% to 5% of the population. It is classified as primary (idiopathic) pruritus ani when no cause can be found. However, as 25% to 75% of cases have co-existing pathology, a detailed history and examination are necessary. The goal of treatment is asymptomatic, intact, dry, clean perianal skin with reversal of morphological changes. The management of pruritus ani is directed towards the underlying cause. If the diagnosis is idiopathic pruritus ani, the patients can still be managed with great success by eliminating of irritants and scratching, by giving general advice regarding hygiene and lifestyle modification and by using active treatment measures.