Benign bowel disease
- Perioperative considerations for acute appendicitis in patients with COVID-19 infection: two case reports
In-Kyeong Kim, Seung-jin Kwag, Han-Gil Kim, Young-Tae Ju, Seung-Jun Lee, Tae-Jin Park, Sang-Ho Jeong, Eun-Jung Jung, Jin-Kwon Lee
Ann Coloproctol. 2023;39(6):521-525. Published online December 7, 2021
- We report considerations related with surgery through 2 cases of acute apendicitis with COVID-19 infection. In November and December 2020, two patients infected with COVID-19 developed acute apendicitis and underwent emergency surgery. In case 1, an 84-year-old woman was asymptomatic and diagnosed with acute apendicitis on the 20th day of infection. She was discharged after surgery without complication. In contrast, case 2 was a 69-year-old male patient with pneumonia treated with antibiotics, steroids and remdesivir. After surgery, he was hospitalized for a long duration due to persistent pneumonia and wound complications. We should perform appendectomy in well-established negative pressure operating rooms, personal protective equipment, and protocols. Since the physical examination and blood tests were limited, image examination like computed tomography scan should be considered if acute apendicitis is suspected. If the patient has pneumonia before surgery, it can get worse after surgery, and complications such as wound infections can occur.