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Jin Yong Jeong 1 Article
Rhabdomyolysis Following Colonoscopy: A Case Report
Jin Yong Jeong, Kap Tae Kim, Mi Jin Kim, Yea Jeong Kim
Ann Coloproctol. 2018;34(1):52-55.   Published online February 28, 2018
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We experienced a case of 1 patient who died from rhabdomyolysis-related complications after colonoscopy. A 60-year-old man had undergone an ‘uncomplicated’ colonoscopic polypectomy. Approximately 10 hours following this procedure, the patient complained of increasing left abdominal pain. His computed tomography image showed free gas, but his operative findings revealed no macroscopic perforation or abscess formation. Eight hours after the operation, the patient presented with myoglobulinuria, and we diagnosed the condition to be rhabdomyolysis. Based on this case, we recommend that rhabdomyolysis be added to the list of complications following a colonoscopic procedure. Moreover, for prevention and early treatment, endoscopists should be attentive to the risk factors and signs/symptoms of rhabdomyolysis.


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