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Hye-Kyung Jung 1 Article
Iatrogenic Rectal Diverticulum With Pelvic-Floor Dysfunction in Patients After a Procedure for a Prolapsed Hemorrhoid
Sun Kyung Na, Hye-Kyung Jung, Ki-Nam Shim, Sung-Ae Jung, Soon Sup Chung
Ann Coloproctol. 2014;30(1):50-53.   Published online February 28, 2014
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Diverticula are frequently seen in the sigmoid, descending, ascending and transverse colons whereas rectal diverticula are extremely rare. The stapled rectal mucosectomy for the treatment of a prolapsed hemorrhoid is less painful and has lower morbidity; therefore, it has been commonly used despite possible complications. This paper reports a case of a rectal diverticulum that developed after a procedure for prolapsed hemorrhoids (PPH). A 42-year-old man with a history of hemorrhoidectomies came to the hospital because of constipation. On sigmoidoscopy, a 2-cm-sized, feces-filled pocket was located just above the anorectal junction. After removal of the fecal material, a huge rectal diverticulum (-4 cm in diameter) was seen. Pelvic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) confirmed the diagnosis of rectal diverticulum outpouching through the muscular layer of the intestine in a left posterolateral direction. The patient was discharged without complication after a transanal diverticulectomy had been performed, and the direct rectal wall had been repaired.


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