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Dai Sik Jeong 1 Article
Surgical Outcomes and Risk Factors in Patients Who Underwent Emergency Colorectal Surgery
Dai Sik Jeong, Young Hun Kim, Kyung Jong Kim
Ann Coloproctol. 2017;33(6):239-244.   Published online December 31, 2017
  • 5,239 View
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  • 11 Web of Science
  • 11 Citations
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Emergency colorectal surgery has high rates of complications and mortality because of incomplete bowel preparation and bacterial contamination. The authors aimed to evaluate the surgical outcomes and the risk factors for the mortality and the complication rates of patients who underwent emergency surgery to treat colorectal diseases.


This is a prospective study from January 2014 to April 2016, and the results are based on a retrospective analysis of the clinical results for patients who underwent emergency colorectal surgery at Chosun University Hospital.


A total of 99 patients underwent emergency colorectal surgery during the study period. The most frequent indication of surgery was perforation (75.8%). The causes of disease were colorectal cancer (19.2%), complicated diverticulitis (21.2%), and ischemia (27.2%). There were 27 mortalities (27.3%). The major morbidity was 39.5%. Preoperative hypotension and perioperative blood transfusion were independent risk factors for both morbidity and mortality.


These results revealed that emergency colorectal surgeries are associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Furthermore, the independent risk factors for both morbidity and mortality in such patiients were preoperative hypotension and perioperative transfusion.


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