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Chi-Young Jung 2 Articles
Surgical Strategy for Colonic Intussusception Caused by a Giant Colonic Lipoma: A Report of Two Cases and a Review of the Literature
Seung-Jin Kwag, Sang-Kyung Choi, Eun-Jung Jung, Chi-Young Jung, Sang-Ho Jung, Tae-Jin Park, Young-Tae Ju
Ann Coloproctol. 2014;30(3):147-150.   Published online June 23, 2014
  • 5,754 View
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  • 6 Web of Science
  • 5 Citations
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A colon lipoma is a remarkably rare tumor. In most cases, the tumors are asymptomatic and small in size, need to be differentiated from malignant tumors, and do not need any special treatment. Selection of the right surgical strategy depends on the status of bowel, as well as the size and the location of tumor. We encountered two patients with giant submucosal lipomas that had induced intussusceptions: one with a lipoma in the transverse colon and the other with a lipoma in the ascending colon. The diagnoses were made by using histological examinations. We report the clinical features, diagnoses, and treatments of, as well as our experience with, these two uncommon cases, and we present a review of the literature on this subject.


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A Stercoral Perforation of the Rectum
Seung-Jin Kwag, Sang-Kyung Choi, Ji-Ho Park, Eun-Jung Jung, Chi-Young Jung, Sang-Ho Jung, Young-Tae Ju
Ann Coloproctol. 2013;29(2):77-79.   Published online April 30, 2013
  • 4,375 View
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  • 10 Citations
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A stercoral perforation of the rectum due to a fecaloma is a rare disease with a high mortality rate. Although multiple case reports of colonic perforations have been published, the data regarding rectal perforations are limited. This case report will highlight one such case of a stercoral rectal perforation that was successfully treated with a laparoscopic operation.


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